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برنامج مشغل الفيديو للهاتف VLC for Android‏

كلنا نعلم ان برنامجVLCمن افضل براج تشغيل الفيديو والصوت

فى اجهزة الكمبيوتر وفى هذا الدرس VLC للهاتف اندرويد
انه جميل جدا فى هذا المجال سوف نضع رابط التحميل اسفل الموضوع 

وصف البرنامج باللغه الانجليزيه

VLC media player is a free and open source cross-stage sight and sound player that plays most interactive media records and also plates, gadgets, and system gushing conventions. 

This is the port of VLC media player to the Android™ stage. VLC for Android can play any video and sound records, and also arrange streams, organize offers and drives, and DVD ISOs, similar to the work area adaptation of VLC. 

VLC for Android is a full sound player, with an entire database, an equalizer and channels, playing all strange sound organizations. 

VLC is planned for everybody, is absolutely free, has no promotions, no in-application buys, no spying and is produced by enthusiastic volunteers. All the source code is accessible for nothing. 



VLC for Android™ plays most nearby video and sound records, and system streams (counting versatile gushing), DVD ISOs, similar to the work area rendition of VLC. It additionally bolster circle shares. 

All organizations are upheld, including MKV, MP4, AVI, MOV, Ogg, FLAC, TS, M2TS, Wv and AAC. All codecs are incorporated with no different downloads. It underpins subtitles, Teletext and Closed Captions. 

VLC for Android has a media library for sound and video records, and permits to peruse envelopes straightforwardly. 

VLC has bolster for multi-track sound and subtitles. It bolsters auto-pivot, angle proportion modifications and motions to control volume, brilliance and looking for. 

It likewise incorporates a gadget for sound control, underpins sound headsets control, cover craftsmanship and a total sound media library. 



VLC for Android needs access to those classifications: 

• "Photographs/Media/Files" to peruse your everything media documents :) 

• "Capacity" to peruse your everything media documents on SD cards :) 

• "Other" to check organize associations, change the volume, set the ringtone, keep running on Android TV and show the popup see, see underneath for points of interest. 

Consent Details : 

• It needs "read the substance of your USB stockpiling", in to request to peruse your media documents on it. 

• It needs "change or erase the substance of your USB stockpiling", with a specific end goal to permit cancellation of records and store subtitles. 

• It needs "full system access", to open system and web streams. 

• It needs "keep telephone from resting" with a specific end goal to avert... your telephone from resting when viewing a video. 

• It needs "change your sound settings", keeping in mind the end goal to change sound volume. 

• It needs "adjust framework settings", with a specific end goal to enable you to change your sound ringtone. 

• It needs "see organize associations" keeping in mind the end goal to screen whether gadget is associated or not, to shroud the gushing parts. 

• It needs "draw over different applications" to begin the popup menu. 

• It needs "control vibration" to give criticism on the controls. 

• It needs "keep running at startup" to set proposals on Android TV launcher screen, just utilized with Android TV variant.


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